2021年10月23日 星期六

Challenges Facing Schools in the Changeable world


Challenges Facing Schools in the Changeable world

(Task of teaching in a fluid word)

lecturer: Dr. Martyn Rawson

lecture content:

         In this fast-changing world, nothing is completely fixed in one place. As the time pass by, more and more things are liquid-like, which keep flowing between two or more different concept that are on the contrary. So, Dr. Martyn told us that each of us has to be “able to navigate through the deep water of social and economics without using any help other than yourself”, and ones also need to “find an stable yet dynamic balance between realities without any models” that is to say that each of us has to do our best without any help to adapt future changes.

         Dr. Martyn also lectured us about the purposes and functions of education, which is aimed to civilized people to be useful for society. The functions for education according to Dr. Martyn are socialization, qualification, and becoming a subject. With those things we could learn skills, avoid or be able to solve wicked questions, and capable of handling autonomous judgements.

         And teacher also mentioned the purpose of education which we thought we knew well but didn’t get to ponder it thoroughly. He told us that the whole purpose is to civilize people. Through motivating ourself we got to be independent, to be came an individual person while serving the need of economic and social.

My thoughts about the lecture:

         Just like what Dr. Martyn has talk about how the world today is changing so rapidly that I can’t really adapt those uncertainties, needless to say that other social entities have to face those problems behind all that changes. What Dr. lectured us about is how we could become a life artist or a juggler to help ourself to face these crises.

Before this speech I never think about what are the purpose of education and how am I going to do to face the waves of continuously crises. But after this I finally have some clue to start working on those questions. The meaning of education isn’t always spins around ourself but also connected the working and flourishing of our own society.

Elongation and feedback from the speech:

         Dr. Martyn has mentioned that people now a days need to learn how to use and distinguish the correct knowledge from the big data. Through big data some things in our life become more and more predictable yet there are still people that don’t believed in science but to believe in their intuitive thinking is something that we could work on to fix it through education that Dr. Martyn had taught us.

圖片來源: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/50eb584ae4b01d0addd73b19/1357612549747-T76LV2DANJE5FR4E8OUZ/WORLDWATER.jpg




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