2021年10月2日 星期六

The 21ST century skills and the ways for their development (9/29)

Lecturer: Prof. Roza Leikin (University of Haifa)

Lecture content:

         Since we live in a very special era where technology rises, so the skills to improve has also change through time. Prof. Leikin had explained two sets of 21st skills for us and also show us some tips on developing these skills on students. Although she introduces two different types of skills but they can definitely be integrate into a set of skill which contains critical thinking, creativity and other fundamental skills of working with other people and maintain the quality of ourself.

         According to professor, in order to improve student’s 21st skills and their learning motivation, first of all ones have to us multiple or varieties of ways to get their attention. Like engaging them into a task that challenges their skills without frustrating them, or give them some experience of different examples that you are teaching instead of teaching with only black board and textbooks. 

My thoughts about the lecture:

         It is my first time attending a speech in complete English, at first, I thought it is only a piece of cake to me but I soon realize that I was too arrogant about it. The accent of prof. Leikin is out of my expectation and the online speech keeps me from focusing on speech so I have to listen to the speech again to fill the gaps that I missed when my mind goes to outer space.

         But after the second time listen to prof. Leikin’s speech I find out that a lot of the 21st skills look independent to each other but they are all related one after one. Like creativity seems to have nothing to do with critical thinking, but it is creativity that gives ones more different perspectives that makes one’s critical thinking more critical and distinguish from the others.

Elongation from the speech:

         In this fast-changing world, the skills that Prof. Leikin mention in the lecture can help us adapt while keeping our competitiveness. The education policy in Taiwan now is definitely on the way of going on the right direction that professor Leikin mention in the lecture, but instead of using the ways professor talked about in the speech. Taiwan is still using the same old way on teaching those high school or younger students but keeps adding more and more tasks on filling their resume and thus adding unnecessary worries on students, teachers, and even on student’s parents.

         What’s more, Prof. Leikin has mention that mathematics is the main subject that her team research on because many of the 21st skills can be reflected when teaching or learning math. But the education below high school doesn’t even mention any of the skills but keep feeding equations or the ways to solve a question in a test. Me, myself who isn’t good at math only gets frustration and self-denial through this kind of math education.


This is the first time that I get to attend in an speech about education and improving oneself and I have learn a lot in this lecture so I am looking forward to learn more from the speeches in the following week.





從族語復振談教學科技的社會實踐力 演講者 : 王淳民副教授          這次的演講者是由陪伴了我們半個學期的王淳民副教授親自下場傳授他的知識、經驗和理念。          在直接切入主題之前,王教授先介紹了一下他的一些理念和一些問題。像是解釋了為什麼會選擇科技...