2021年10月28日 星期四

Applying Olympic and Professional Athlete Motivational Practices to Student Life

Applying Olympic and Professional Athlete Motivational Practices to Student Life

Lecturer: Dr. Robert Schinke

         At the beginning of the class, professor had already did a short introduction about Dr. Schinke’s extraordinary background, but I was still surprised by the story that Dr. Schinke himself had told us. He had been told to give up on moving forward in every progress of his learning, but he believed that he is the only one that could told himself to give up. And now he is the best of the best in his profession, and lecturing to us.

         Dr. Schinke had shared many of his life skills from his experience with preparing those athletes to the best condition. Some of the skills like eat well, sleep well might seems kind of silly but many of us are having difficulties on doing it due to our “vibrant” campus life. And he also shared his thought on “balances and mixes” life, to him, there isn’t such things as fifty-fifty in study and life, it is a mixture of all kinds of different components that compose your whole day. Instead of counting how many  present should studying get, how many present of social should be in our life, he prefer more on having a mixture of varieties of thing in a day so you can get a whole  new start in the next day.

         Aside form arranging normal agenda in your day, Dr. Schinke also advise us to find some activities to help refresh ourself to be more productive in the up coming event. By finding the things that can reset your anxiety, you can be relax while giving yourself a quick break instead of working all day long and feel nothing pain. So finding ways to keep yourself both mentally and physically healthy require your own effort to get your personal method to lower your stress.

         For example, instead of working endlessly on your project, you should always squeeze out some time to take a walk outside or do something physical to loosen up your stiff body. Or you can find a weekend to enjoy the delicacies that you wanted to try out for a very long time, or find a beach to feel the sand and listen to the sound of waves can always be a good way to relax.

         A test require extra effort to go through the errors that you had made to reach its maximum effect, and so does the setbacks you met in your life. Dr. Schinke not just recommended us to look back at our recent setbacks but also asked us to get a log book to record our daily life to get a bigger picture of the places that should be corrected. Me, myself doesn’t look back at the mistakes that I make before and get      stuck in a loop that now I can’t really find the step that I once did wrong. So Dr. Schinke’s words remind me of not making the same mistake that I have suffered until now.     

         An important part in the lecture is to promote us to find our own talented gift and bring it to a good use just like an athlete to find their way to shine in the field. In Dr. Schinke’s lecture almost everything he talked about is within his experience to help those professionals to do their best, but I found that there isn’t much of a problem to execute those skills in every stage of our life. All Dr. Schinke gave us is a good living habit and the correct way to face our life that fits in your whole life.

圖片來源: https://cdn2.vectorstock.com/i/1000x1000/53/01/racing-people-and-winning-runner-marathon-vector-13905301.jpg




從族語復振談教學科技的社會實踐力 演講者 : 王淳民副教授          這次的演講者是由陪伴了我們半個學期的王淳民副教授親自下場傳授他的知識、經驗和理念。          在直接切入主題之前,王教授先介紹了一下他的一些理念和一些問題。像是解釋了為什麼會選擇科技...